I don’t like Math and numbers. Same reason why I took a college course which I thought wouldn’t involve Math. Voila! I had Statistics, Economics, and two subjects of Algebra with grades ranging from 2.5 to 3.0 (fair to thank-all-the-saints-you-barely-made-it). Now…
Street Watch
It was one of my random-slash-boring afternoons when I thought of creating a post similar to what I wrote for our zine Kanto way back college—a collection of knock dead stuff about our culture. I then asked Bien to accompany me…
The Sky is Within My Reach
I had these amazing wings that made me fly. I was about to reach the skies when I suddenly fell from the bed and realized I was just dreaming. I was just a cloud away from the heavens. But then…
Weekend Getaway: Day 1
After our long day at work, Rowjie and I were off at 7 AM. And since we were told that the Weekend Getaway crew would fetch us at 8 AM, we hurriedly went home because we still weren’t done packing…
First Fly with AirAsia
What would you first think of if AirAsia mentions you on Twitter? First thought was I’d be flying to Kuala Lumpur. Second, I would bring Rowjie with me. Third, two VVIP tickets to 2PM’s concert. Fourth, who the eff are…